Cappuccino Vs latte: Which One You Should Take?

If you’re unfamiliar with the subject of espresso beverages made with milk, you might get confused at some point. Usually, people are aware of what a cappuccino drink is, but do you know anything regarding lattes? Well, we can understand if you’re unsure concerning the options available at your neighborhood coffee shop.

Think about it, aside from a normal cup of coffee or indeed water, latte and cappuccino are among the widely preferred drinks around the globe. But you may ask, cappuccino vs latte, why is there a difference between them? Are both of these beverages good for you? Do you know, despite having many comparable components in cappuccino vs latte, these two coffee beverages have different flavors, tastes, and textures?

Cappuccino vs latte

Still confused? It’s perfectly fine! As in this article, you will be learning the basic distinction between cappuccino vs latte. Clearly understand the variation between a cappuccino and a latte so the next time, you can place your order as an expert. Let’s dive in:

What is Meant By Cappuccino?

Cappuccino is basically an espresso blended with steamed milk along a layer of milk foam. In order to make a cup of cappuccino, one to two shots of espresso is filled at the bottom. To give the coffee a rich, creamy consistency, additional steaming milk is put on top, accompanied by a topping of rich, airy foam.

A cappuccino has a considerably richer espresso taste than a latte since it contains less milk and thicker foam. The term “cappuccino” originates from the Roman Catholic community of Capuchin monks. With the invention of licensed espresso machines by Milanese Luigi Bezzera around 1901, cappuccinos in their present form were first created for drinking.

What is Meant By Latte?

The term, “cafe latte,” is Italian for “coffee milk,”. A latte is made using espresso and a big quantity (usually 7 or further oz) of steamed milk but learn guide to make latte at home. The usual espresso-to-steamed milk proportion is nearly one-to-two. The result is a thick, velvety beverage with a relatively delicate espresso flavor. Prepared espresso is next mixed with a few ounces of heated milk. Finally, a foamy layer is placed on the latte top.

The words “café” with “latte” was originally introduced in 1847, then later in 1867, in William Dean Howells’ article “Italian Journeys.” 

Since lattes’ demand has grown in recent decades, there are many different approaches to making lattes. There are numerous variations of the latte, and introducing ingredients such as vanilla and chestnut frequently turns it into a sweeter form.

What is Distinct Between Them?

Given the explanations provided in this article, you may be able to differentiate between cappuccino and latte. In combination with espresso, these drinks generally have foamed milk and steamed milk as extra additives. Prior to actually getting into the specifics, let us go through the main distinctions that may help you understand cappuccino and latte better:

  • Consistency of texture: It is reasonable to assert that the consistency of the milk, which is thicker in a latte but the creamier texture in a cappuccino, is by far the clearest noticeable distinction between the two coffees.
  • Milk distribution: In a classic cappuccino, the espresso, foamed milk, and steamed milk are all distributed uniformly. A latte has more heated milk and a small layering of froth on top.
  • Quantity of milk: One more significant variation is that cappuccinos utilize less milk compared to lattes, owing to the reason that cappuccino milk froths over due to the air, and the beverage is supposed to be offered in a lesser quantity.
  • Espresso layer: A cappuccino has separate layers, whereas a latte blends espresso and steamed milk.

Which Tastes Sweeter?

According to the expert, milk’s underlying sweetness comes out when it is steamed. Therefore, a latte may flavor sweeter compared to a cappuccino due to the greater milk to espresso proportion.

Nevertheless, it’s significant to mention that none of these beverages is often offered sweet, thus it is entirely your choice of how much sweetness you may want in your cup of coffee.

Which is Considered Healthier?

This question is difficult considering milk doesn’t always have any adverse health effects. It mostly relies on what you consider “healthy.” The highest caloric, fatty, and protein-rich beverage is the latte since it uses a greater quantity of milk. Even while cappuccinos are made with a little less milk than lattes, they still include a significant quantity of calories, fat, and protein per cup.

Due to the reduced amount of milk, a cappuccino would probably contain lower calories. Still, if you consider fat and calories as the key concerns, a latte may be the less ‘healthy’ alternative among the two, considering the amount of milk required. For making these beverages healthier you can ask for non-fat milk or other kinds of milk like coconut, almond, or oat milk as these are excellent choices.

Which Beverage is Stronger?

If the term stronger regarding a coffee is to consider the amount of caffeine, cappuccino and latte then these beverages usually include a comparable quantity of espresso. The intensity obviously only reflects how strongly you can experience the bitterness of the espresso in the coffee. The quantity of milk foam and steam makes a difference.

Especially in its initial form, cappuccino has a flavor that is noticeably stronger compared to lattes. Watch the following video to learn an in depth difference between both beverages.

The reason a cappuccino has a rich flavor compared to a latte is a lower volume of milk is required to make it. To put it another way, the milky latte, on the contrary, has a much more subtle taste.


In short, coffee drinks come in a wide variety. Yet, in essence, the quantities of coffee and milk are the major differentiation between cappuccino vs latte.

Hopefully, by this article, you’ll know everything there is to know about cappuccino vs latte. Keep in mind that Cappuccino is much lighter, much foamier, and made with a stronger flavor compared to a latte. Get your caffeine fix right now if you’re desiring it. Go ahead and fulfill your demand for caffeine today. And don’t hesitate to tell us which beverage you like best?

Frequently ask questions (FAQ’s)

What do a cappuccino and a latte have in common?

Cappuccino and latte both have a coffee foundation. Additionally, they are both made using milk foam along with milk to give them a velvety, creamy texture.

Can you make a cappuccino or latte by simply steaming milk without an espresso machine?

Yes, if you don’t possess an espresso machine, you may still steam milk for a cappuccino or latte via both standard kitchen appliances or equipment designed particularly for that use.

What does it mean by latte art?

The practice of adding steaming milk to coffee to generate a pattern or artwork on the top of the prepared latte is described as “latte art.” The upper foamy layer may be patterned to create this. Regularly executing the art is tough and is reliant on the barista’s ability and the caliber of the coffee machine.

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