Espresso vs nespresso [Which’s the Best & Why] – Coffeeccinos

Markets are flooded with a great variety of coffee machines, that offer you all types of drinks and facilities, at different prices. Finding the right choice for all your needs becomes a painful task with so many choices. A comparison between Espresso vs Nespresso can give you an insight into all coffee machines.

And if you are a beginner in the world of coffee, you first need to know the difference between espresso and Nespresso, to figure out which one is best.

The most differentiating factor between the two is how they make the beverage.

In this article, we will cover all the aspects to get down to the point of buying a machine between the said choices.

Nespresso and its working 

Let us understand how a Nespresso machine actually works.

Since the machine is either semi-automatic or fully automatic, all you need to do is put your capsules of choice (one at a time) into the place designated to do so. Water will be pushed out of the reservoir that your Nespresso machine has which will be heated by boilers within the machine.

When you push the lid of the Nespresso machine down, small holes are punched on the apex of your pod through which this boiled hot water enters and mixes along with coffee. This newly formed mixture is then pushed out of the other end of the selected pod.

The pressure is controlled by a safety measure within the machine to avoid any mishappening during the process of brewing your coffee.

As you find that there is no rocket science behind their functioning, you will be closer to your choice. As stated earlier, Nespresso machines are specifically built for making espresso drinks.

 With some great features to your aid like a steaming wand that dispenses hot water so you can make tea as well and a milk frother for great and high-end lattes or macchiatos, a Nespresso machine is a good investment if you are into the variety and different options. you name it, it makes the drink, 


When we compare the capacity that a Nespresso is available to deliver, with that of others such as a Keurig, we find that it can do only shots and cups of coffee. A Nespresso machine will let you make any of the espresso-based drinks and a regular cup of coffee, that you surely can customize afterward.

If you are wishful for investing a little bit more money into a good quality machine, the Nespresso machines are for you. All you need to do is find yourself the most suitable machine and a pod that goes perfectly with it, to get phenomenal coffee every day.

Not to mention the capsules are pre-measured and roasted to different levels ranging from mild to dark. Available in all flavors and aromas, you have a great number of products to choose from.

Nespresso line machines come in all different sizes and models for you to choose from. Serving different types of preferences, their pricing also varies.

Mostly the original line machines are the ones that people prefer to go for since they are semi or fully automatic and can create a variety of drinks which is a plus point. To add further, these Nespresso machines are known for their easy-to-use and beginner-friendly user interface.

For those who want something that is fast and great at what it is meant to do, the Nespresso machines are here to answer your call.

The machine has both types, the original line, and the vertuoline system. The vertuoline system is more portable and a good option for someone who likes regular classic coffee way more than a latte or cappuccino. You just need to have a larger capsule with vertuoline to brew your coffee.

To put it in simple words, if you live alone or not with a lot of people like in dorms or shared places, a vertuoline should be a good option. This machine is small so it can fit in small places and countertops and if you want to have something that is not hard to clean.

For those who live with families,originalLine Nespresso machines are here to cater to your needs. They are semi or fully automatic so making multiple cups throughout a day would not be a task for such machines. These machines are heavy and need to be taken care of if you plan to use them for a long time.

They both have different preferences to serve but do the exact same thing of making you a great-tasting cup of coffee. If you think they might make any changes to your coffee and how it tastes, then it totally depends on how you use them and your coffee pods of choice.

Nespresso machines also have those models that have a portafilter in case you plan on using pre grounded coffee instead of pods.

Now that you know about the Nespresso machines, let us begin to answer some of the Frequently asked questions:

What type of pods to buy for the Nespresso machine?

There are some Nespresso compatible pods available online on places like Amazon, where you can buy them. The only thing to look for is what machine they are compatible with, usually, this is mentioned in the product description.

Another great thing is that you can have all sorts of pods in terms of flavors and different intensities as well, ranging from mild to dark roasted.

How to use a Nespresso machine?

It depends on what model you purchase. As they are both semi or fully automatic, use is slightly changed for some of them. If you are buying one where you need to use a pod, place the pod in its place defined and close the lid. Make sure to fill the water reservoir before doing this and press the button.

If you are buying a machine with a portafilter, fill it up with desired coffee, and fix your portafilter. Taming is usually a default feature in some machines but you can do it yourself as well.

Furthermore, as you have filled up your water reservoir, push the button and let the brewed coffee fall into your mug.

You may add whatever milk and items you want to your beverage.

How do you descale a Nespresso machine?

A recommendation is that you should descale your Nespresso after every 3 months.

Keeping it very simple, you need to empty the capsule area/container first and then move on to filling your water reservoir and add a descaling solution to the water.

Now run your machine and place a cup or something to hold the water coming out.

In the case of a filter, the machine has a set of instructions that you need to read in order to descale it. This is a general process for those without any filter.

How to reset a Nespresso machine?

To get better quality over time you should reset your Nespresso machine at regular intervals. In most models to reset them, you just need to turn them off and pressing and holding one of the buttons, commonly the lungo button. It will flash three times.

If you own a very specific model of Nespresso then the guidelines will be shared in the manual of this product.

Are the Nespresso capsules safe to use? 

If you meant in terms of the product they contain, yes they are safe to drink and come in a good variety of flavors you might want to try. Nespresso caters to every type of need and preferences out thereby producing mild-medium and dark roasted coffee with increasing bitterness respectively.

Not to mention they also have different intensities from light to heavy as well.

The capsules are safe on the planet as well since they are made of 100 % recyclable packagings made of food-grade plastic and aluminum. These are not toxic unless you eat them in large amounts and we are pretty sure you would not want to eat packagings. Hence it is advised to keep them away from children.

Espresso and its workings

Next comes our comparison of the espresso machines. Let us take you through what this machine is all about.

Espresso machines gained popularity due to their small and portable size and the fact that they are one step ahead at making espresso coffee beverages as compared to that of a Nespresso.

If you are one of those people who love to have classy and high-end drinks such as a cappuccino or a latte, an espresso machine is a choice to go for. Coming in all types and sizes you should choose one based on some crucial factors like size, cost, and something that is easy to clean

The espresso machines come with some helpful features like different drink options and grind sizes if you use coffee beans for organic and fresh beverages.

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Let’s understand how an espresso machine actually works.

It does the job exactly the same way, forcing the hot water through coffee grounded at a particular pressure. Espresso machines are a great option for those who like to use coffee beans. First, you need to grind the beans to your preferred size and tamp the product to avoid water flowing through it very fast or slow.

They also come in both manuals where the work is all yours and the automatic where the product is all yours.

A bean to cup machine is the most preferred one and our choice as well. If you don’t know what a bean to cup machine is, they are the machines that are fully automatic and require your help only to put your mug in the place designated. That’s it!

Espresso machines are a bit more helpful at giving you good lattes and lungo and this in no sense means that the Nespresso is any less.

You need to choose a machine based on factors like your budget, maintenance and usage ease, and quality of the product.

Here are a few of the frequently asked questions about an espresso machine.

How do lever espresso machines need to be used?

Begin with putting the coffee of your choice in the portafilter and tamp it a little before placing it. Mostly the machines that are automatic can do it themselves. The lever is pulled to allow hot water to run through the coffee and then into your mug. The lever creates a required amount of pressure to perfectly brew your coffee.

What does it mean by “bars”?

It indicates the pressure unit and how much is needed. Mostly for a sweet brew, you require a pressure of 9 bars and it goes up to 19 in some machines.

Why are there two outlets in espresso machines?

It allows you to brew your coffee into two cups separately hence given two spouts as coffee outlets. Just center your mug to drop all the coffee into one mug.

How to clean an espresso machine?

You begin by emptying the water tank and any removable parts(do not try to dismantle the machine entirely) like the drip tray and clean them with warm water to remove all the buildup. The rest of the machine can be cleaned with a washcloth soaked in hot water. Let everything dries off and reassemble them to begin using.

put your capsules of choice (one at a time) into the place designated to do so.


To sum it all up if you want a machine that is good at its job and easy to maintain then Nespresso is what you need. For people who want to have more barista skills and exclusive quality coffee and more customization, espresso is the option to buy.

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