Learn How to Use the Nespresso Milk Frother to Create Amazing Foam

Buying a Nespresso machine is a wise decision for a coffee lover who likes cappuccinos or lattes. If you recently bought a Nespresso machine, knowing how to use a Nespresso machine can make your brew like a pro. But in case you are worried about how to use the nespresso milk frother, our guide may help you solve the issue to learn its use.

A Nespresso machine may or may not have a milk frother depending upon the model you are using. So you must know which model you are buying and if you are buying a Nespresso milk frother separately, you may save hundreds of dollars as the Nespresso machines with frothers are way too expensive. So we will tell you the basic models of Nespresso milk frothers and the method of using them.

Use Milk Frother

Why do You Need a Milk Frother?

A milk frother aerates milk and creates microbubbles in the milk to create a foam. This foamy layer is added to different espresso drinks including latte, cappuccino, americano, macchiato, mocha, and many others. But if your Nespresso machine does not have a built-in milk frother, you can buy a Nespresso milk frother separately.

Nespresso Milk Frothers:

Nespresso makes three models of milk frothers including  Aeroccino 3(commonly known as aeroccino), Aeroccino 4, and the third one is known as the Brista recipe maker. But the most frequently used mil frother is americano 3 as it is also the basic part of many espresso and vertouline machines. So we will discuss how to use Nespresso  Aeroccino 3 and how can you maintain it.

The aeroccino is the accessory that makes your dream come true. It has been tested and compared by making beverages tested over its cleanup, easy to use, and overall performance.

It is very easy to use and gently froth cold milk, heat milk without making any noise, and in just 15 seconds. It was designed with careful thoughts with a carafe, lid, seal, and a whisk. The whisk makes it easy to adhere the whisk to the carafe when it is placed inside.

How areoccino works:

Nothing is soothing, like a sip of creamy sweet cappuccino from the top of your cup. The whole cream milk makes a creamy foam top when frothing and gives more shape to your coffee.

Similarly, skim milk or low-fat milk is lighter and makes a large quantity of creamy foam, adding more body to your cappuccino.

The Nespresso milk frother is very easy to use. It is incredibly quiet, and within 15 seconds, you can have your creamy foamy with milk frothing into your cup.

All you need is to pour fresh milk in a frother jug below the indicator line and press the button. A red light will appear after you push the button, and within seconds you will have your light creamy fancy cappuccino or latte into your cup.

Cold frothing and warm milk

It is an additional feature of the Nespresso aeroccino. Along with creating warm foam, it can whip cold foam as well. All you need to do is, instead of pressing the button quickly, you have to hold it down.

A blue light will appear instead of red light, indicating that the milk frother is frothing cold foam instead of warm foam.

One thing that should be kept in mind is that creating foam takes more space inside the frother, so when you are up to only heating milk, the capacity increases.

How to Use Aeroccino Milk Frother

  1. Firstly plug the frother base into the socket and turn it on.
  2. Select and fill the agitator of your choice and fit it on the bottom of the jug.
  3. There are two fill lines labeled MAX on the jug. The top line is for flat paddle agitators. If you are using a whisk agitator, do not fill milk beyond the bottom line.
  4. Fix the jug on the base, pour some cold milk and place the lid. 
  5. Turn on the starting button. 
  6. To make warm milk froth, press the start button quickly. A red light will appear. For cold milk frothing, hold the start button blue light will appear.
  7.  The aeroccino has an automatic shutdown system .when frothing will be done, it will shut down itself, and the indicator light will go out. Your froth is ready to enjoy 
  8. For using it for the second time right after the first batch, rinse the jug between the batches to avoid overflow.
  9. If you want to pour milk before froth, don’t put it all. The lid will help to hold the froth back.


Nespresso aeroccino has a very compact design .it has a base, carafe, lid, and whisk. The whisk has a significant value as it is used for all major preparation. It works, making hot milk hot froth or cold froth.

It also has a magnetized property that adheres to the carafe base. The bottom of the base has four different buttons for four different types of drinks. The four drinks are hot froth, cold froth, hot milk, airy milk foam, and dense milk foam.

Simple and compact 

The Nespresso with milk frother is one of the best options to buy. There is no need to take lessons to understand the phenomena of the Nespresso machine.

There is no need to buy bulk and heavy machines and to add different tools to make a barista. There is no special need to add attachments to make your morning flavourful.

Nespresso milk frother makes your life easy and convenient. You can have a deliciously creamy cup of your drink every morning with just a press of a button.

How to Clean the Milk Frother

The milk frother jug has a non-stick coating inside it, so it is easy to clean, and it is also safe for the dishwasher except for its base. Remove the agitator and rinse it with water. You can use some cloth or sponge to clean it.

Remove the lid seal and jug, rinse them with water and wash them with the same technique. You can use a small amount of detergent to clean it, but you should be sure to clean it well after that.

If you clean the aerocinno just after the use, it makes it cleaning very easy. Better to clean it just after it is used. Make sure that before you use it again, its base should be dry.

Otherwise, it will damage the machine. From this milk frother, you can enjoy your latte cappuccino and macchiatos at home with cafe-like quality.

Frequently asked questions

Is Nespresso milk frother worth it?

You must look for a Nespresso milk frother if you have a deep love for cappuccino latte or macchiatos. It will entertain you with high-quality drinks every time you need them.

Can you put cream in milk frother?

Yes, you can put cream in a milk frother jug. There is no problem at all.

Does nespresso aeroccino heat the milk ?

Yes, Nespresso gently froths cold milk and heat milk.

Can you buy Nespresso milk frother each separately?

Yes, it is an electric appliance by Nespresso for milk frothing .you can buy it separately.

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