20 Best Coffee Recipes: Easy Homemade Coffee Recipes

Buying a coffee maker is a wise choice to try different homemade coffee recipes. You might’ve been drinking regular espresso drinks every day and now you want to switch things up a bit. There are various best coffee recipes and it’s hard to just pick one and call it the best. You have iced, warm, black, white, sweet, and spicy coffee recipes. Additionally, alcohol and coffee recipes are also a nice mix-up to enjoy your evenings.

Best Coffee Recipes

With so many options it’s hard to narrow down your choices. I tried various coffee recipes and chose the best coffee recipes that I found delicious. In the list, you’ll have cookie coffee, iced coffee, traditional coffee, and also coffee from different countries. Just get ingredients, a coffee maker, and our best coffee recipes to enjoy a variety of coffee drinks.

Best Coffee Recipes: One by One Detail

Let me tell you that I use Ninja Coffee maker’s scoop and ninja coffee bar. But with the same ingredients and procedure, you can use any coffee maker. Let’s begin!

1. Chicory Coffee Recipe

Chicory Coffee Recipe

Firstly know about the required ingredients for the chicory coffee recipe.


  • Three scoops of Grounded coffee
  • One scoop of Grounded Chicory blend


Set the Ninja Coffee bar to a Classic brew setting with a Brew size of a Carafe. Mix both of the ingredients and pour them into the filter basket. Brew the coffee and taste it. You can add maple syrup, honey, milk, or sugar according to your taste. That’s it! Enjoy your Chicory coffee with cream if you like.

For: People with liver or gallbladder disorders will find this useful.

2. Cappuccino Recipe

Cappuccino Recipe

Get the detail about the required ingredients for the cappuuccino coffee recipe.


  • 4 scoops of grounded coffee
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Milk frother


Add the grounded coffee into the brew basket and select the Specialty brew option. Fill the water reservoir with the needed amount of water. Prep the milk by warming it to the point it emits steams. Choose the brew style of a Travel mug and place an empty mug on the single-cup platform. Froth the steamed milk by using the milk frother. Brew the coffee and then add the frothed milk on top to get your perfect cup of cappuccino.

For: This recipe is best for cappuccino lovers and can also help in reducing oxidation.

3. Easy Iced Coffee Recipes

Easy Iced Coffee Recipes

For a summer day, I tried these different iced coffee drinks that even you can make.

Basic Iced Coffee Recipe:


  • Carafe of ice
  • 2 scoops of dark roasted coffee grounds
  • Whipped cream
  • Half and half (heavy cream)
  • Chocolate syrup as you require
  • Milk frother


Fill the water reservoir with an adequate amount of water. Pour the 2 scoops of dark roasted coffee grounds into the brew basket. Set the Ninja Coffee machine to the iced coffee option and brew the coffee in a cup. Add 1⁄3 cup of half-and-half into the brewed coffee. Create the mixture by using frother. Pour it into the coffee cup and decorate it using whipped cream and chocolate syrup. It’s easy and tasty with minimum effort so try this on a hot summer day for the best feeling!

For: One of the benefits of iced coffee is reducing the risk of heart disease. So people with a rapid heartbeat can drink this for energy.

Iced Caramel Macchiato Recipe:


  • 3 scoops of grounded coffee
  • Half milk cup
  • 3 small tablespoons of caramel sauce
  • Milk Frother


Select the Speciality Brew option and your desired cup size. Brew the grounded coffee by pouring it into the brew basket and starting the Ninja coffee machine. Make the mixture of milk and caramel sauce then froth it nicely. After that, add this frothed mixture into the coffee serving cup and enjoy your Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel sauce on top.

For: This may reduce fat for some people but it’s a great drink for a summer day!

Iced Vanilla Latte Recipe:


  • 2 scoops of ground coffee
  • 3 small tablespoons of vanilla syrup
  • ¾ cup of milk
  • Milk Frother


Select Speciality for both brew setting and brew size. Pour the grounded coffee into the brew basket and brew it. Separately, add the vanilla syrup to a cup of ice. Then froth the milk and add it to the ice cup. Finally, put the brewed coffee and taste it to know if it is according to your taste. You can change the amount of vanilla if you prefer more or less vanilla.

For: I think vanilla latte is best for taste and a great treat for the mouth even without any benefits.

Coffee Lemonade Recipe:


  • Cup filled with ice
  • 3 scoops of ground coffee
  • Cup of lemonade
  • Slice of lemon


Put the cup filled with ice under the brew basket and brew a cup of coffee. Be the cup by putting coffee grounds in the brew basket and setting the brew settings to the iced settings. Add the cup of lemonade and drink it with a slice of lemon for decoration.

For: Coffee lemonade may help in reducing weight and belly fat. Plus, it’s a treat for your friends and family during the summer afternoon.

Iced Chai Recipe:


  • Cold chai
  • 2 scoops of ground coffee
  • Ice


Firstly, make the chai, it’s easy and simple. Use tea leaves that you want and add sugar according to your taste. Boil it and let it cool down. Set the brew setting and size to Specialty. Brew the coffee and add it to a cup full of ice, top it off with adding cold chai. Drink it away!

For: Coffee lovers can get various benefits from this as it takes away oxidative stress and reduces the chances of cancer.

For a deeper understanding see the video that can help you have an idea of iced coffee to try at home.

4. Coffee Martini Recipe

Coffee Martini Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for the coffee martini recipe.


  • 2 scoops of ground coffee
  • Cocktail shaker
  • Ice
  • ¼ cup of vodka
  • Coffee Liqueur
  • Crème De Cacao


Change your Ninja Coffee machine brew settings to Over ice and brew size to Travel Mug. Brew the grounded coffee and add it to an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Then add vodka, Liquor, and Creme De Cacao and shake it like a cocktail maker! Pour it into the glasses and serve it nicely with foam.

For: People who love alcoholic coffee drinks will find this delicious but I can not say much about its health benefits.

5. Mocha Latte Recipe

Mocha Latte Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for the mocha latte recipe.


  • 2 scoops of coffee grounds
  • ¾ cup of milk
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Whipped cream and cocoa powder (Optional)


Add chocolate syrup to an empty mug and place it under the brew basket. Pour the coffee grounds into the brew basket and set the brew setting to Specialty. Let the brewed coffee be poured into the chocolate syrup mug. Now, heat the milk and froth it nicely to have creamy-looking foam. Add this frothed milk into the chocolate-brewed coffee cup. You can top it off with whipped cream or cocoa powder for a sweet taste. Or you can just sip it away without them, either way, it tastes heavenly.

For: This recipe is great for people who have anxiety and can even help you stay focused on your needed tasks.

6. Caramel Latte Recipe

Caramel Latte Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for the caramel latte recipe.


  • Microwaved Heavy cream
  • 3 scoops of ground coffee
  • Caramel syrup
  • Salt


Choose the Rich brew option and XL Cup brew size on your Ninja Coffee bar. Add salt as you want, 2 tablespoons of Caramel syrup, and 3 scoops of ground coffee into the brew basket. Brew this coffee and froth the microwaved heavy cream for 50 seconds. Stir your brewed coffee and add the frothed heavy cream for enjoying your perfect cup of latte!

For: Best for people who like the sweet and buttery taste of coffee drinks. Also, it gives amazing energy to go through a busy day.

7. Coffee Butterscotch Recipe

Coffee Butterscotch Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for coffee butterscotch recipe.


  • ¼ cup of melted butter
  • Brown sugar
  • Heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla syrup
  • Salt
  • 2 scoops of ground coffee
  • ¼ cup of milk


Make the butterscotch sauce by whisking a mixture of melted butter and 1 cup of brown sugar. Also, add salt if you want and boil this mixture until it’s thick. Pour one teaspoon of vanilla syrup and let it cool.

Now to the main part, set the brew setting to Specialty and choose your preferred brew size. Get a cup that has butterscotch sauce at the bottom and add the brewed coffee to it. Prep the milk by heating and frothing it. Next whisk the butterscotch and coffee then add frothed milk. Pour the butterscotch sauce to fill the cup to the top. Your drink is ready!

For: This recipe improves cognitive brain functions and can even reduce chances of anxiety and depression. A great energy booster for workaholic coffee drinkers.

8. Vietnamese Coffee Recipe

Vietnamese Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for vietnamese coffee recipe.


  • 2 scoops of ground coffee
  • Sweet condensed milk


Use Cafe Forte Brew settings along with Cafe forte Brew size to get this drink. Brew the coffee grounds by adding them to the brew basket. Place a sweet condensed milk bottom-filled cup under the brew basket. Stir the cup and enjoy your Vietnamese coffee easily.

For: You will love this if you want weight loss. Also, many people say it helps in removing oxidants from the body.

9. Hot Chocolate Coffee Recipe

Hot Chocolate Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for hot chocolate coffee recipe.


  • Half cup of milk
  • Chocolate syrup sauce
  • Whipped cream


Select the Over ice Brew setting and travel mug brew size. Start the brew cycle and get your brewed coffee. Add the half cup of milk inside the frother and warm it for 50 seconds. Froth it nicely a few times to get the perfect amount of froth. Microwave the chocolate syrup sauce and add your frothed milk and brewed coffee to it. That’s all! You can add marshmallows too.

For: This simple and basic recipe is great for coffee lovers who also like chocolate. The list of its health benefits is long but it takes away the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

10. Mexican Spiced Coffee Recipe

Mexican Spiced Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for Mexican spiced coffee recipe.


  • 3 scoops of ground coffee
  • Teaspoon of cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon of chili powder
  • Cayenne pepper (Optional)
  • Sugar


Make a mixture of ground coffee, cinnamon, chili powder, and Cayenne pepper. Place a carafe and brew the coffee by selecting the rich brew option. Fill the carafe according to the amount of coffee you want. Add whip cream if you like it and your Mexican spiced coffee is ready.

For: I highly recommend trying this once if you like experiencing the taste of your coffee. You get the perfect blend of vitamins with a taste of sweet and spice.

11. Almond Vanilla Latte Recipe

Almond Vanilla Latte Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for almond vanilla latte recipe.


  • 2 scoops of coffee grounds
  • 2 small tablespoons of vanilla syrup
  • 2 small tablespoons of vanilla almond butter
  • ⅕ cup of milk
  • Milk frother


Pour the coffee grounds into the brew basket and fill the reservoir of the Ninja Coffe maker with water. Set the Ninja brew setting to specialty brew option and travel mug brew size. Add vanilla syrup and vanilla almond butter to the bottom of your coffee cup. Place this cup under the brew basket and brew the coffee. Add hot milk to the milk frother and pump it fifteen times. Pour the milk over the brewed coffee and drink it away!

For: This type of latte is filled with vitamin E, D, and A. So, it’s a great option for coffee drinkers who want energy.

12. Mocha Frappuccino Recipe

Mocha Frappuccino Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for mocha frappuccino recipe.


  • 2 scoops of coffee grounds
  • Lots of ice
  • ¼ cup of chocolate milk
  • ¼ cup of chocolate syrup
  • Blender


Press the specialty brew option and travel mug brew size. Get a large cup and fill it with ice and brew the coffee by pouring coffee grounds into the brew basket. Add this brewed ice and coffee to the blender and add both chocolate milk and syrup. Turn it on and blend the mixture for 25 seconds. Pour it all into your coffee cup. You can add chocolate syrup and whipped cream for garnishing. That’s it!

For: Drinking homemade Mocha Frappuccino has various benefits like instant energy boost along with enhanced bone density. On depressive days, this can be your perfect partner!

13. Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for pumpkin spice latte recipe.


  • 2 big scoops of coffee grounds
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • ¼ tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice
  • Pinch of Cinnamon and salt for garnish
  • Milk frother


Brew the coffee by using a Speciality brew setting and specialty brew size. Make a mixture of milk, brown sugar, a pinch of salt, and pumpkin pie sauce. Add this to the milk frother after microwaving it for 1 minute. Pump it 15 times to get maximum froth. Combine this in your coffee cup and drink it with the addition of cinnamon on top!

For: People regardless of age will find this tasty and nutrient-filled. This is great for maintaining vitamin D and protein in your body.

14. Irish Coffee Recipe

Irish Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for irish coffee recipe.


  • 1 ½ ounce of Irish whiskey
  • 2 tbs of brown sugar
  • 2 scoops of grounded coffee
  • Vanilla syrup
  • Whipped cream
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar


Place the cup under the brew basket and fill it with Irish whisky and brown sugar. Put the coffee grounds into the brew basket and brew it by pressing Cafe Forte size and setting. Make a mixture of cream, sugar, and vanilla syrup. Top the coffee with whipped cream.

For: This alcoholic coffee drink is great for rainy days and people with a sweet tooth will find it amazingly delicious.

15. Cookies and Creams Frappe Recipe

Cookies and Creams Frappe Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for cookies and creams frappe recipe.


  • 3 scoops of coffee grounds
  • ½ cup of coffee-flavored ice cream
  • 6 chocolate sandwich cookies
  • ¼ cup of milk
  • Ice
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Blender


Select XL cup size and specialty brew and brew the coffee grounds in a cup. And add ice cream once it’s done brewing. Meanwhile, blend milk and 5 cookies in a blender until it’s perfectly mixed. Pour it into the coffee cup and garnish it with whipped cream and one cookie. Take pictures for aesthetics and drink it nicely.

For: this is a great coffee drink for midday slump. Plus it’s easy to make and tastes heavenly which gives great energy to get your work done.

16. Milk and Honey Coffee Recipe

Milk and Honey Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for milk and honey coffee recipe.


  • 2 big scoops of coffee grounds
  • ¼ cup of milk
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


Set your brew setting size to Cafe Forte and brew the coffee. While the coffee is getting brewed, make a mixture of milk, honey, and cinnamon. Microwave the mixture for 30 seconds and forth until it gets double in size. Add this to your coffee and enjoy.

For: Both coffee and honey boost metabolism so this is a healthy drink for your physical and mental health.

17. Flat White Coffee Recipe

Flat White Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for flat white coffee recipe.


  • 2 scoops of coffee grounds
  • ½ cup of milk


Totally basic and simple, you have to brew the coffee grounds by using a specialty brew setting and brew size. Pay attention to the milk frothing process. Froth the milk after microwaving it. And add it to the coffee cup by pushing the microfoam back with a spoon. Pour the pushed-back micro foam on top of the coffee and relish it.

For: This simple recipe is good for coffee drinkers who want an anti-aging effect. It can also reduce oxidants in your body.

18. Arabic Coffee Recipe

Arabic Coffee Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for Arabic coffee recipe.


  • 1 tablespoon of ground cardamon
  • 3 scoops of coffee grounds
  • Sugar


Usually, Arabic coffee is made in a pot called Briki but you can make it in the Ninja Coffee bar. Turn knob to specialty brew size and sect specialty brew settings. Brew coffee and add Cardamom to it. Add sugar and mix it well. Taste it and enjoy it once you find sweetness satisfying.

For: Arabic coffees are known for their various health benefits like minimizing illnesses and are also good for the cold.

19. White Chocolate Mocha Recipe

White Chocolate Mocha Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for white chocolate mocha recipe.


  • ⅓ cup of milk or milk substitute
  • 2 scoops of Ninja coffee grounds
  • White chocolate sauce
  • Vanilla syrup
  • Milk frother
  • Ice and whipped cream (optional)


Get your coffee cup and add white chocolate sauce and vanilla syrup. Place the cup under the brew basket. Use a specialty Brew setting and brew the coffee grounds. For hot coffee, microwave the milk and if you want cold just froth the milk as it is. Pump the frother for 45 seconds. Add this frothed milk into your coffee and to top it off you can add whipped cream. Coffeed drinkers who want an iced White chocolate Mocha can add ice as well.

For: To reduce anxiety and stress this is a treat, but not the best option for your diet. On cheat days, this drink is all you need to get by on your day.

20. Peppermint Mocha Latte Recipe

Peppermint Mocha Latte Recipe

Get the detail about what is the required ingredients for peppermint mocha latte recipe.


  • Peppermint syrup
  • 3 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
  • 3 scoops of coffee grounds
  • 8 ounces of milk
  • Whipped cream
  • Crushed Peppermint candy


Turn the knob to Travel mug size and press the specialty brew option. Place the cup filled with 3 tbsp of chocolate syrup under the brew basket and brew the coffee. Microwave the milk for 2 minutes. Take 1 and a half tablespoons of peppermint syrup and add it to the steamed milk. Froth it and then add it to your coffee cup. Add whipped cream and crushed peppermint candy to garnish. Enjoy your peppermint mocha latte coffee drink.

For: During the holiday season or just a regular winter day, this coffee is a great treat for friends, family, or just for yourself.

Final Words

I trust you found my Ninja Coffee recipes useful and tasty. There are no strict rules when it comes to coffee, so you can experiment with the ingredients as you like. You can add honey or vanilla syrup for garnishing to all of the recipes. The main thing about making coffee is having fun and hopefully getting a deciduous tasting coffee by the end of the process. Follow these recipes and enhance your coffee drink experience!

Best Coffee Recipes Faq’s

Our goal is to provide you all answers of your questions related to best coffee recipes. Here are some of them.

Is It Possible to Make Iced Coffee With Ninja Coffee Bar?

Yes, you can check the above recipe and make a tasty iced coffee easily.

What Types of Coffee Drinks Can the Ninja Coffee Bar Create?

The Ninja Coffee Maker lets you make hot or iced lattes, macchiatos, iced coffee, cappuccinos, and other coffeehouse-style beverages thanks to its 6 brew sizes, 4 brew varieties, and built-in frother.

How Much Time Does It Take for the Ninja Coffee Bar to Make Drinks?

A single coffee cup takes about two minutes to prepare and a full pot takes only around 4 minutes.

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