Best 4 cup coffee Makers [Tested Reviews]

In case you need a handful batch of coffee in the morning, investing in one of the best 4 cup coffee makers can be a game-changer to your productivity. Shifting from that regular midnight coffee to other exquisite types of beans and blends is something most of us have gone through.

Perhaps you have evolved your style and preference of brewing as well, which is enough to get your hand on one of the best 4 cup coffee makers. If you are looking for a 4 cup coffee maker and find it hard to choose one according to your requirements, worry not.

We have tested a series of different 4 cup coffee makers and short-listed a few of them.

These coffee makers are smart, portable, easy to use, and give you a long-lasting machine without needing much of an effort to brew your favorite cup of coffee.

We have compiled the top-rated 4 cup coffee makers for you to choose from from the traditional and classic drip coffee makers.


So why not get one for you and your family?

See also: Best Nespresso machines 2022


Best 4 cup coffee makers

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1. Mr coffee advanced brew 5 cups-Best  programmable coffee maker

Best 4 cup coffee Makers

Why we recommend it:

  • Cord length is 26 inches which makes it convenient
  • Lets you brew in advance

 Mr.Coffee 4 Cup maker is the best 4 cup coffee maker on our list because of its programmable features.

It is a small and programmable coffee maker with space-saving benefits. Its straightforward design lets you make coffee without sacrificing a whole lot of storage area. It’s small enough to be omitted on a counter without being in the way in most common-sized kitchens. 

The carafe is glass, and the device uses general, flat-bottomed, paper espresso filters. It has an on/off function to make it smooth to look if the burner continues to be on, and it features a timer so that you can plan a brewing time of up to 24 hours.

Additionally, it has a pause brew feature if you want a cup earlier than the whole carafe is finished brewing. It will also be used to pre-infuse the brew, much like an authentic Portland hipster might do. Talking about the price you will have it an affordable price, and the complete system is simple to smooth.

The reservoir drains completely, and the carafe is dishwasher safe. One of the downsides is that the carafe’s lid is a bit flimsy, but if you aren’t using it each day, this won’t be a hassle. The glass carafe loses heat quickly; however, at only four cups, you must be able to drain the carafe before it becomes a hassle.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Programmable
Reasonable pricing
the coffee maker can store it easily.[/i2pros][i2cons]The carafe lid is flimsy and feels cheap.[/i2cons][/i2pc]


Being easy to store and clean, we highly recommend it to people living in prominent families or themselves. As this machine does not require much work, it becomes ideal for all types of users and age groups, especially young adults and elderly individuals who cannot care for a machine.

To sum it up, if you prefer small and affordable machines that do not demand a considerable amount of care, Mr coffee advanced programmable machine is suitable for you. It is a 5 cup coffee maker and you can easily use it to get either a single brew, two mugs of coffee, or 4-cups.

2. Bonavita 5-Cup One-Touch Coffee Maker

4 cup coffee makers

Why we suggest it:

  • The machine is robust and exact.
  • It is pre-infused.

This version makes high-quality coffee, and compared to most of the coffee makers on this charge bracket; it seems the thing.

Bonavita is well-known for its upscale coffee crowd. Their coffee makers are frequently heralded because of the issue that receives closest to a barista degree pour-over cup.

It has pre-infusion and uses a particular showerhead to disperse the water that’s designed to higher extract the flavors from the espresso. Thus making it worth being on the list of best 4 cup coffee makers.

Moreover, it has a thermal carafe to maintain your espresso warmness, which is far better than relying on a heat plate to slowly evaporate the espresso and turn it into a bitter liquid.

However, we don’t like its carafe which is hard to pour without the lid set up.

The larger model of this coffee maker has been licensed with the resource of the SCAA, which is trustworthy enough to win your confidence.

From a technical point of view, it has much-needed features like the 1100-watt heater that continue the most advantageous brewing temperature of 195 degree-205 DegreeF.An elective pre-infusion mode saturates freshly roasted floor coffee to permit degassing earlier than brewing

 As stated previously, the Carafe lid, filter basket, and showerhead are dishwasher secure, and all plastic is BPA-loose

in mainly designed showerhead for best extraction in small batch sizes

One-touch brew operation with auto-off

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Sleek and minimalist design
Pre-infused [/i2pros][i2cons]The coffee pot lid does not screw on all the way, so you have to reach your thumb awkwardly to the lever that allows the coffee to pour out. [/i2cons][/i2pc]


It is a decent machine for most types of users and their preferences. Although it has an overall good design, the carafe is not up to the mark, and the Showerhead brew design more for show than anything else, as the water pretty much flows out of the first available holes all of the time.

We like its feature of a Simple one-button operation with auto-shutoff, thus recommending it to primarily young adults.

3. Cuisinart DCC-450BK 4-Cup Coffeemaker with Stainless-Steel Carafe

4 cup coffee makers

The product is a 4-Cup machine with a carafe with a dripless pour spout and knuckles guard .its brew-pause feature helps you enjoy a cup of espresso earlier than brewing has completed.

You don’t need to stress about leaving it on by mistake as it has a 30-minute automatic shutoff and handy ON indicator mild. The machine is designed according to North American electricity standards.

The machine is highly compact and has a no-drip spout with a knuckle guard. You are required to stop the brewing of coffee before the carafe is complete to avoid any spilling of coffee.

The carafe remains hot for a reasonable amount of time which lets you empty the carafe, thus giving enough time. If you have a busy schedule, this coffee maker is the right choice for you.

Make sure not to touch the carafe body while it is hot as it might hurt.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Small and compact design that one can place anywhere.
It has a convenient pause function.[/i2pros][i2cons]It does not have a timer function.[/i2cons][/i2pc]


If you are looking for a smaller coffeemaker that works well and takes up less counter-top space than larger coffeemakers, this is the suitable coffeemaker for you. It’s well constructed; not made from cheap materials. It also feels excellent, much more so than my previous machine. We would highly recommend this to anyone.

Another con is the carafe lid is a bit hard to take off the carafe, but that’s such a minuscule negative that it doesn’t count how great this coffeemaker is.

4. Capresso 303.01 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Machine

4 cup coffee makers

Why we suggest it:

  • Adjustable steam frother that is there for perfectly frothing or steaming milk for cappuccinos and lattes
  • Includes safety boiler cap.

in case you need something a bit fancier, the Capresso is a small coffee and cappuccino maker. You may regulate the power of your espresso in addition to a milk frother and steamer alternative.

If you couldn’t stomach the concept of undeniable coffee, however, nonetheless need the capability to brew fast, this form of a maker is probably a better choice. You may make each espresso and cappuccino tremendously quick, even though the frother takes a little practice. You could additionally regulate the extent of steam. There are thumb guards and a protective boiler cap to protect you.

It has a pitcher carafe that is dishwasher safe. It is pretty easy to remove for cleaning, but you may keep in mind to descale it each now and then.

It has a minimal footprint for a fancier espresso maker. It received a lot of room in ordinary kitchens, making it easy to store at the counter.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]It has a pause function
Very compact.
The carafe is stainless steel that keeps the coffee hot for a long.[/i2pros][i2cons]It does not have a timer function.[/i2cons][/i2pc]


For those who want something classic and has high-end looking, you should get your hands on this one. With a carafe capable of keeping the freshly brewed coffee hot for long, you do not need to worry about pre-heating it.

We highly suggest it to people with a busy schedule.

5. Zojirushi EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker

4 cup coffee makers

Why we suggest it:

  • It has a replaceable water filter
  • Measuring spoons and user manual included, which make the whole process easier.

The Zutto is a better cease drip coffee maker that’s rated to 5 cups. Its capabilities charcoal water clears out to enhance the flavor of the coffee, making it one of our great-tasting drip coffee brews on the listing.

It’s a pitcher carafe with a cone-shaped clear-out. The cone form ensures that water gets lightly via the grounds to produce a higher cup of coffee. It’s smooth to smooth, and the water clear outlasts up to two years with regular use.

It also has a space-saving reservoir not to sacrifice a good deal counter or garage area. It does not include many more incredible features and the capacity to software in advance; however, it does feature an automated maintain warm characteristic.

It’s relatively higher at the price point than a simple espresso maker, yet

If your water doesn’t taste precise out of the faucet, then the charcoal clear-out choice may additionally benefit the little extra cost.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]The water filter is highly effective.
Very small and compact.[/i2pros][i2cons]The decanter is made of thin and flimsy material[/i2cons][/i2pc]


The coffee maker is designed for both space conservative houses and to make it look good. If you are a supporter of minimalism, its style and compactness will go well with your ideology. We highly recommend this product to people living alone and have a lot of guests frequently.

6. Mr. Coffee’s Advanced Brew 5 Cup Programmable Coffee Maker

Why we suggest it:

  • It is equipped with a delay brew timer that lets you brew ahead of time.
  • The machine shuts off automatically after one hour of no use.

Coming at number 6 is another programmable coffee machine with a bigger and better carafe in size with no expectations in performance and the quality of beverage it holds.

With its enormous capacity, it can hold up to 5 cups of coffee and keep it warm for a long time to keep warm function inbuilt. Another great feature is the convenient and easy-to-work pause brew function, which is handy if you need to have a cup of coffee before the carafe is finished with the brewing.

If you think that these great functionalities are given by compromising on something, then that is not. The carafe is made of sturdy and durable material that needs minimal care and is easy to handle.

Next comes the filter basket, which is easy to clean and should be cleaned regularly depending on your convenience and is dishwasher safe, thus making it convenient for people with a lot on their schedule.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Sturdy and stainless steel carafe.
Easily programmable.[/i2pros][i2cons]Does not have a backlight in the time screen, which is problematic if handled in the dark.[/i2cons][/i2pc]


We highly suggest the machine to anyone who wants a simple yet fantastic machine that gives your coffee a strong taste and does not compromise on its functionality at any cost.

Frequently asked questions:

Which coffee maker makes the best tasting coffee?

In our opinion, Zojirushi EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker is one of the best at making great coffee shots with every use. Although all of them are good at their work, this one is hands down the best 4 cup coffee maker.

How do I clean my appliance?

Being by reading the manual of the appliance to see if anything specific is mentioned about the appliance. Clean the housing with a standard cloth and avoid immersing in water since it is an electrical appliance.

What is a four-cup coffee maker?

The whole and only idea behind a four-cup coffee maker are to make coffee shots in bulk, and some of them also hold the temperature. They are compact and durable.

Who makes a 4-cup coffee maker?

Conair Cuisinart WCM08B 4-Cup Coffeemaker Black with Stainless Steel Carafe.

Others also make such 4 cup coffee makers.

Buying guide: For the sake of helping you make the decision:

Although the looks and packaging might attract you to buy a particular product, you should be smart with your choices and look for features over its looks.

Some of the things to consider are as follows:

Brew strength:

make sure the coffee has no outsider taste and is the right color. You can identify both by your years of knowledge and experience.

Ideal brewing temperature:

It is best to brew your coffee at 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything below 190 would taste bland and watery also lukewarm, which does not sound appealing.

Your budget:

do not go out of your limit and get something highly expensive. Many models will work just as fine and sometimes even better for a fraction of the cost.


One of the biggest concerns of small apartment owners. Irrespective of how much space you can allocate to your coffee machine, a portable machine is always suitable for any type of user.

Final words

We hope that you found the guide meaningful and have made a choice for the best 4 cup coffee makers. Some of the critical things you should look out for are handy features like auto shut after a long time of no use, keeping the coffee warm for a long time, sturdy housing, and material.

Some other things like design and size are dependent on what you want and what your space allows you to have.

Water filters are another things to keep in check since they can alter the taste of your coffee.

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